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Software to facilitate and/or automate certificate handling within the KIT-CA/DFN-PCA.
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Best practices for *ix servers, security-wise.
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How to do initial forensics on an 0wned linux box
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Stand-alone web server to serve an X.509 certificate file.
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One web interface to rule them all! Home of https://netvs.scc.kit.edu and https://netvs-devel.scc.kit.edu
Community chat: https://matrix.to/#/#netvs-community:kit.edu
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KIT-CA interfaces that are exposed to users (mails, PDF forms, etc.).
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Publish X509 certificates to RabbitMQ (AMQP) for further processing.
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Stand-alone tool to convert a PEM certificate/key file into a PKCS12 file.
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Stand-alone tool to recode PKCS12 certificate files.
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