currently the package uses the name vremiddleware,
if we also have other pages, maybe we should think about using a common namespace,
for example virtmatvre.middleware
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@nd2853 A very good point. Because the package names allow - (this is possible por the package but not for the python module where - is not allowed) we can use virtmat-vre.middlewareand virtmat-vre.language etc. until we have better names.
By ivan.kondov on 2022-05-19T16:40:21 (imported from GitLab)
the middleware package is still called vremiddleware, and the language is not really packaged (it was started, but never finished).
I could look into that and set the naming scheme for both as described earlier (virtmat-vre.middleware and virtmat-vre.language)
By nikolai.pfisterer on 2022-08-31T10:47:54 (imported from GitLab)