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Other labels 11

  • Bug
    KIT / virtmat-tools / VRE Language
    issues reporting failures, crashes, wrong outputs or unexpected behavior
  • Constraints
    KIT / virtmat-tools / VRE Language
    related to the stage after parsing is complete and before interpreter starts
  • Convention
    KIT / virtmat-tools / VRE Language
    pylint, pyflakes, flake8, pep8 and other code quality issues
  • Documentation
    KIT / virtmat-tools / VRE Language
    docstrings, manuals and tutorials
  • Feature
    KIT / virtmat-tools / VRE Language
    new concepts and changes effecting the user interface
  • Grammar
    KIT / virtmat-tools / VRE Language
    grammar, parser and metamodel related issues
  • Interpreter
    KIT / virtmat-tools / VRE Language
    changes in the interpreter - may affect the behavior
  • Jupyter
    KIT / virtmat-tools / VRE Language
    issues and changes in the Jupyter kernel
  • Packaging
    KIT / virtmat-tools / VRE Language
    Packaging issue
  • Refactoring
    KIT / virtmat-tools / VRE Language
    code changes that do not affect the results, the code behavior or the iser interface
  • Testing
    KIT / virtmat-tools / VRE Language
    all issues related to tests, both behaviorial and functional