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KIT / KIT-CERT / Migrated from git.scc.kit.edu / restartBrokenSystemDUnit
Apache License 2.0Restart rsyslog when GnuTLs crashes inside librelp
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KIT / KIT-CA / Migrated from git.scc.kit.edu / cert2amqp
Apache License 2.0Publish X509 certificates to RabbitMQ (AMQP) for further processing.
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Stand-alone tool to convert a PEM certificate/key file into a PKCS12 file.
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Stand-alone tool to recode PKCS12 certificate files.
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KIT / KIT-CA / Migrated from git.scc.kit.edu / dfnpki
Apache License 2.0Updated -
KIT / KIT-CA / Migrated from git.scc.kit.edu / dfnpkitool
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseCli tool to interact with the DFN PKI SOAP API
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KIT / KIT-CA / Migrated from git.scc.kit.edu / dfn-domain-validation
Apache License 2.0Automation für Erneuerung der Domain-Validierung (https://blog.pki.dfn.de/2020/09/auslaufende-domain-freischaltungen-fuer-zertifikate-rechtzeitig-erneuern/)
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KIT / KIT-CA / Migrated from git.scc.kit.edu / Dfn Domain Validation Check
Apache License 2.0Check if any of the registered domains of a DFN PKI CA need (re-)validation
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