Syntax error in workflow mode with semicolons as separators
The input
t = ((s: 1, 2, 3)); d = map((x: x**3), t.s); print(d)
does not run in workflow mode:
$ texts script -m workflow -f test.vm -r
Syntax error: None:3:2 --> 3), t.s) *print(d) <--
Expected 'in' or '^|;|,|\)|if|else|on|in|for|$' or 'if'
$ texts script -f test.vm
program output: >>>
(d: 1, 8, 27)
Using the same input but with new lines as statement separators, it works:
t = ((s: 1, 2, 3))
d = map((x: x**3), t.s)
Also works if we keep the semicolons but remove the print statement.
Hint: The "lexer" in the Session class?
Edited by Ivan Kondov