Intermediate nodes and markers LOST
Created by: cfierrob
I was sent here from Inkscape--Bugs.
Running last Inkscape version under Windows 7.
- Added intermediate nodes to 3 straight lines to put on them intermediate markers
- Works fine for Inkscape svg
- On the same drawing, saved as Optimized svg, the markers on
- horizontal straight line
- vertical straight line are lost--preserved only on oblique line.
- My own impression, after swift look at the text in the optimized svg file: the conversor tries to be too smart by half, AND DELETES ALL THE INTERMEDIATE NODES ON THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LINES AS UNNECESSARY--WHICH THEY SURELY ARE ... BUT FOR THE MARKERS!!
- Instead, and although the middle markers should be exactly the same on all three paths (I even tried to paste style from one to the other two to ensure this) I get three separate ... two of them unused. The system refuses to let me attach my couple of svg files--saved as Inkscape svg and Optimized svg. Thanks!